
If you're a woman who's interested in historical re-enactment, you may have experienced sexism at some point. Whether it's being told that you can't participate because you're not a man, or being made to feel like you're not as good as the men because you're not as strong or as good at fighting, it can be discouraging.

But it's important to remember that sexism is not inherent in historical re-enactment. It's something that is learned and perpetuated by the people who are involved. And it's something that can be challenged and changed.

There are lots of women who participate in historical re-enactment, and who are just as passionate about it as the men. We should be encouraged and supported, not discriminated against.

Let's work together to make historical re-enactment a more inclusive and welcoming activity for everyone.

Our Manifesto is:

We pledge to fight sexism and redefine gender roles in historical re-enactment. We believe that men and women are equally capable of embodying any role in history. We will highlight the often-overlooked stories of women and other marginalized groups in history. We will work to create a more inclusive and representative community in historical re-enactment.

We believe that everyone has a right to self-expression and to be respected for their individual identity. We will not tolerate discrimination or harassment on the basis of gender, sexuality, race, or any other identity. We will work to create a safe and welcoming environment for all.

We pledge to educate ourselves and others about the realities of sexism and other forms of oppression in history. We will work to disrupt the narratives of history that uphold these systems of oppression. We believe that by retelling history from a more just and accurate perspective, we can help create a better future for everyone.