About Me

Hi All! I'm Victoria, I'm 22 years old and I live in Manchester. IRL I work as a CFO, but I wanted to use this site to post about my true passion: Renaissance Fairs.

I love to travel and explore history, and while I do love a well-built castle (castle porn anyone?), I believe all historical re-enactment is equally valid. My interests also include feminism, equality, and eating vegan food. I try to keep a balance between my love of living history and the preservation of history.

To me, history is about understanding the context of the past. For instance, it is important for me to understand the context of why a piece of the past was constructed the way it was. Was it due to lack of resources? Lack of knowledge? A way to protect from attack? These factors and more are important to understand so I can properly appreciate historical buildings and monuments. In fact, it is important for me to understand the history behind these sites and monuments so that we can appreciate and respect them.

Some things that will be posted about: I will try to post articles, photos, videos, and any interesting historical/living history re-enactment resources I discover along the way. Some of the topics I will be discussing include gender equality, sexism in re-enactment, feminism, women in history, gender roles, social construction of gender, and re-enactment history.

I hope you all enjoy, and please contact me at victoria.a.lopez@amail.com with any questions or concerns.